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There are no rules

Do it when it makes sense to you

Hey there, J here.

Busy days, let's get straight into it!

Business Lesson - Rebrand when it makes sense

When I joined Twitter my initial idea was a very long-term play of building a personal brand, which can then be leveraged to build my clothing business.

HOWEVER, the business was always a side hustle for me, my "9-5" for the past 6+ years has been a Shopify dev.

That was paying for food.

So at some point, it hit me...

Why am I not building this brand around something that I can be immediately valuable with?

Having a strong personal brand can always be leveraged down the line for other projects, but focusing on increasing the activity that is paying the bills makes more sense to me at this moment.

I am even seeing some opportunities to expand the freelance business into an agency, but more on that next week ;)

I tease.

So here's what I had before, a bit of a messy profile looking back:

Here's the new branding (with an updated bio as well):

I'm quite happy with the change and it has given me focus, clarity, and motivation to double down on what can impact my quality of life right now.

We'll tackle the other projects down the line ;)

If you have any feedback on the rebrand, DM me on Twitter, would love to get your $0.02.

So when to rebrand?

When it makes sense to YOU.

Have a great week!
