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- Take a stand
Take a stand
Brand vs Bland

Read time: 3 minutes
Hey there, J here.
No intro, we get straight into it.
Business Lesson - Take a stand
Here's a little back story.
I've been on Twitter for about 2 months.
The reason why I joined the platform was to build a strong personal brand.
However, I saw myself getting sucked into other accounts' personalities as they had more followers, in my eyes that was authority and an indicator of how to do things “the right way”.
It reflected in my content.
That worked for a bit since I was copying established templates and content formats, but it wasn't ticking the most important box.
I didn't like it, I didn't enjoy it.
See, I'm more of a go-by-feel guy, rather than a 7 Notion productivity and content frameworks template guy.
My personality did slip out in a few tweets and they immediately resonated.
Don't know why it took a few of those, but that imposter facade started cracking and I think I am finally finding my own voice.
So at some point, I said F it and wrote a manifesto.
(you can find the original tweet here along with the engagement numbers proving my point that authenticity is the game)
Here is the manifesto:
I will be a major player in the digital product space in 12 months.
This is my manifesto.
This is what you can expect from me.
This is what I expect from myself.
My personal preference lies in the Jack Butcher's of the world.
Daily builders and creators, not theorists and philosophers.
There are so many people talking about audience growth and they do it well, and with that sucking many of us into that vortex thinking that we also need to create content around that to grow.
I don't vibrate with that content.
Is some of it useful?
I can't become a significant personal brand not being unique, not being myself.
My interests are not aligned to that thematic, nor is my business.
I like building and creating things in the digital realm.
And for me to own that space I need to be e daily practitioner.
I need to be improving and learning on a daily basis within the space I want to command.
My ultimate goal is to create valuable digital products and have a huge audience I can do that with.
A true collaboration of building in public with the public.
This is what you can expect from me from now on.
Mostly content on building and creation in the digital world.
I will keep some % of my content on motivation/mindset/fitness, since this is also a part of me, but my focus will shift to becoming a great builder through daily creation and sharing.
To launch this I am setting myself a 4 week challenge, where I'll launch a new digital product every week.
So far I've seen interest for two specifically, so we'll start with:
1. A checklist one-pager based on my successful recent product launch. (I have some ideas how I can make it even more valuable, not only a "checklist")
2. A "how to" on building a digital product. The tools and processes.
We'll figure out the other two projects from the challenge as we go along ;)
This has been on my mind lately and I wanted to put it on digital paper to make that commitment to myself and to you.
Thank you for your attention so far and I'll be very grateful if you come along this journey with me :)
Since writing and posting this I now create with a sense of freedom.
Something that can be sustained and enjoyed for a long time and that's a context for building something significant.
It shows in my account’s growth as well.
In a world of noise, you want to become an authentic and unique signal.
Aaand that’s a wrap for today, thank you for reading 😉
Have a great one!
If you need any help with Shopify or building/launching a digital product just let me know.