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- DTC+: How It All Started
DTC+: How It All Started
How I started earning with my mind, not with my time.
Hey everyone,
Merry Christmas and all my wishes to you are summed up below:
As this newsletter picks up steam, I want provide some context on how it all started.
How I decided to jump into CRO and start an agency, from being a freelance Shopify developer.
It began with a request from a friend, who is now my co-founder, for doing a one-off project for an ads client he had, running a simple A/B test on his client’s product page.
He needed my dev help, it was a 2 hour job for me.
My hourly rate then was $75, 2 hours, easy $150.
You can see the actual test here.
The kicker for the project was that if we hit a performance bonus (+10% increase with a 90%+ statistical significance) we’d split $8,000 between the two of us.
I had no idea what +10% increase would be and what “statistical significance” even meant.
At that time, I was a Shopify developer for 5+ years, mainly moving pixels around, based on someone’s opinion of what “better” would be.
No thoughts given to testing and/or optimization at all, in any of the businesses I worked for, and some of them were Amazon owned companies…
So, we spun up the test and I thought that would be the that, moving on to find more freelance work.
To kill the suspense, fast forward some days and the test was at 14% increase to revenue and 90%+ stat sig.
$42,000 estimated monthly gained revenue.
A lightbulb moment for me, if I ever had one.
We split the bonus, but the more important calculation was this:
I spent 2 hours… making $42,000 ($576,000 estimated yearly) for a business, for which I charged $150…
Mathematically, even if my rate was 100x for these 2 hours - $15 000 ($7 500 per hour would be a solid rate), ANY business would still accept that rate any day, as long as I was good enough to reproduce these results.
It was then I realized what leverage is and how people actually get wealthy in a scalable way without any revenue or time ceilings.
Hourly freelancing was never going to get me there.
Don’t get me wrong, you can’t step skip your way to a successful business.
I needed the experience, expertise and lesson, but moving forward my business goals lived in a different process - building a service around optimization and CRO for businesses that a few percentage increases are tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands.
It’s way more fun too!
That’s how it all started and I will be updating you on a weekly basis on how it’s going + continue sharing lessons and experience on e-commerce optimizaiton.
Have a great one and see you in 2025 📈